Moderate Pragmatist Out, Right Wing Whackjob Christofacist on the Way
Bush is going to replace O'Conn0r with someone that makes Scalia look like Ralph Nader. This is a nightmare I only wish I could wake up from. The Democrats look pathetic in their begging to be taken seriously. "Please seek out are opinion... oh please." Yeah right. Bush, and the right, have been waiting for this opportunity for years, and are polishing their goose-stepping boots right now. Guard your uterus...
On a related note, fair and balanced Faux News has hired C. Boyden Gray as their "Fox Supreme Court Analyst." As Media Matters correctly points out, Fox, continuing their most cherished standard of lieing to their audience by omission, told their viewers nothing of C. Boyden Gray's current job- founder and chairman of the Committee For Justice, a leading lobbying group supporting Bush judicial nominees.
That's Fox News, fair and balanced.
Fox News is a trademark of Pravda.
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