One Vacation Per Star, Right Georgie
Dear President Bush,
I wish you the best and plenty of fun and relaxation on your fiftieth vacation in the last five years. I only ask that if you are given any memos similar to the one with the vague title of "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States" you put down the brush cutters and act on it immediately. Please don't freeze for seven minutes for fear of startling the armadillos if told we are under attack, but act immediately as you are still the Commander-in-Chief even on vacation. The children in the room- I mean the armadillos- will understand that you are the leader of a country currently engaged in a war- dammit, I mean a struggle- and that you need to leave, immediately, in order to defend it. I know this stuff is a little serious, especially for a man of the people trying to keep his common-folk inspired 10-a-year vacation schedule in tact, but we here in the blue states will rest easier knowing that you will not ignore any more memos.
Thanks for understanding my concern and good luck with the brush clearing,
brian geraghty
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