I want the media to pay as much attention to these idiots running our country and less to the looting. If you agree, watch this clip of Anderson Cooper. He nearly cries he is so frustrated.
Again, of course there is looting, these people have nothing. Why are the conditions they live in every day not on the news? Everyday they live in the repression of poverty and now have even less, of course there is social disorder now. Didn't anyone learn anything from Iraq? And speaking of which, why is it that when $9 BILLION goes missing in Iraq the media just yawns, but when blacks break into to Wal Mart, the 24 hour news cycle explodes?
Anyway, more on a total failure of leadership from Wes Clark (via My DD and TPM Cafe):
Again, just this past week, there was at least 36 hours notice that a major hurricane was going to hit the Gulf Coast, including likely a devastating blow to New Orleans, which certainly came to pass. The President continued with his regular schedule on Monday and Tuesday in California, Arizona, and Texas to hold some staged Medicare events and enjoy more vacation time, while finally returning to the White House yesterday. The joint task force including National Guard set up by the Pentagon failed to be on the scene in New Orleans in a timely manner to stop the looting and assist in the evacuation. Where is the leadership?
Then just this morning, the President claimed that no one could have anticipated the levee breaches we've seen in New Orleans after Katrina hit. That's not leadership, that's an excuse. In fact, people have predicted this kind of disaster for many years, including President Bush's own FEMA in 2001, when they ranked hurricane flood damage to New Orleans among the three likeliest, most catastrophic disasters facing America. Instead, funding was significantly cut back, leaving key engineering projects on hold. Instead, this Administration focused on the war in Iraq, tax cuts, and private sector economic growth without asking the American people to make needed sacrifices for the good of the country. Again I ask you, where is the leadership?
And yet more evidence of misallocating resources.
And, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert thinks it is pointless to rebuild New Orleans, but supports efforts to rebuild Iraq. That's what I call American values!
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