Who Were The Ad Wizards That Came Up With This One?
Everyday I log into my yahoo accounts (before anyone suggests it, yes, I have moved on to Gmail, but I still have three separate accounts on yahoo, including the one for this site that I am forced to check often) and on the sign-in page I am always struck with the pictures that the people of Yahoo put next to the user/password prompts. They are always the most random, and often times confusing and offensive, pictures next to captions that have nothing to do with the picture. Here's my favorite:

The actual caption is, "We don't just find viruses, We zap 'em!" which has as much to do with this picture as "Get TIME for 50% off the Cover Price" would have.
Shouldn't the caption here be "The Roof of My Mouth is Bleeding" or "I Just B$%* Clifford!" or "Can Someone Please Zap These Alien Herpes On My Tongue?"
Anyway, feel free to add your own caption to all of these, but the real point is, why do they subject me to this when I want to check my email? I already use Yahoo, shouldn't the selling of the service have stopped after I signed up? What's with all the creepy pictures? Can't they just have a plain page like they used to? This is what happens when you give your account to the wrong ad people.
Here's more:
(2) Actual Caption: Spamguard Giveth, SpamGuard Taketh Away
Is SpamGuard like the Aparteid police? Are they arresting this man? Is he getting electricuted? Were they wrestling the photographer to the ground so he could only get this half-picture?
(3) Actual Caption: InstaList Brings the Bowling Team Together
Mine: Watch 50 Foot Woman Devour Lil' Prankster Only On Yahoo
(4) Actual Caption: One Folder Just For Intergalactic Email?
Mine: Cartel Heads Meet Seaside To Discuss Plans For Newly Formed Death Squad
(5) Actual Caption: Photomail. Share to your heart's content.
Mine: Chinatown's Solution: When A Paperbag Just Won't Do For the Otherwise Doable.
(6) Actual Caption: Terrible With Names? Use Address Book.
Mine: Screaming Bronx Man Caught Stealing Cadavers From Red Cross Vehicle
(7) Actual Caption: Find an old fling's email.
Mine: Exiled Revolutionary Disgusted With New Office
(8) Actual Caption: You deserve the best. Yahoo! Mail delivers.
Mine: It Is Too Late By The Time These Vacationing Lesbians Notice Tsunami
(9) Actual Caption: InstaList Brings the Bowling Team Together
Mine: Hippie Maid Just Loves Doing Laundry; Prefers 'Colors' To 'Whites'
(10) Actual Caption: Hit the road. Your mail will follow.
Mine: "Todd-rific": What Army Recruiters Are Now Forced To Accept
(11) Actual Caption: Hit the road. Your mail will follow.
Mine: Little J. Chang Is Excited To See His Father Taken To Get His "Surprise" After Innocently Inviting the State Police To the Family's "Film Night" (Resistance Meeting)
(12) Actual Caption: Photomail. Share to your heart's content.
Mine: Women's Auxillary of NAMBLA Meeting Tonight at 7:00 p.m.
(13) Actual Caption: Quick! Find email for an old flame.
Mine: Jobless, Alcoholic Mother Steeps to New Low to Fund Her Habit; Daughter in for a Really Tough Life Lesson
(14) Actual Caption: Terrible with names? Use Address Book.
Mine: Florida Conservative Convinced Jesus Earrings Will Protect Her From Poison Flower
(15) Actual Caption: Add friends as fast as you make them.
Mine: Interacial Marriage Not an Issue For Red-Haired Black Woman and Headless White Husband
None of the actual captions were taken out of context or made up. You can see for yourself here. There's so many more, and everyday I just go "Huh?" because they seem to be getting stranger and stranger.
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