Merry Christmas Poor People...
Let's get all that bs 'war on Christmas' rage and apply it to something Christ actually cared about: the poor.
Let's call them "the Cheney cuts."
Today, when the Senate split 50-50 on a budget stealing money from people just scraping by and transferring it to the wealthiest Americans, it took Dick Cheney, recalled from Afghanistan, to cast the tie-breaking vote. In order to pretend to be cutting the deficit, the Republicans partially compensated for their tax cuts for millionaires by cutting Medicaid, Medicare, Student Loans, Food Stamps... you know, all that Katrina-type welfare that makes people so dependent on government handouts.
In honor of the Vice President's return from Kabul in time to kill Christmas, it would be a lovely tribute if students who can't get loans explain their predicament by citing the Cheney cuts. Or: "I wanted to go to college, but Dick Cheney told me to go f-- myself." The nurse, at a patient's bedside: "Vice President Cheney says we have to send you home." The supermarket clerk, counting the single mother's food stamps: "Well, if you Cheney the diapers and the dog food, you'll have enough to pay for the rest."
(more /Marty Kaplan on HuffPo)
Don't you remember the war that was going to cost $1.7 billion and be over with in six weeks? What's the cost of this administration? Besides ignoring the Bill of Rights, they are wiling to stick it to seniors, students and the starving in order to continue their tragically misdirected war and give tax cuts to millionaires. Just like Jesus would have done! Merry Christmas!
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