More "Free press"
Here's a followup to yesterdays post. It is from the organization, which monitors the media, and is working towards a more informed public policy debate over media issues and a "public interest-oriented media system with a strong nonprofit and noncommercial sector." Anyway, they have a good site, so check it out. Here's what they sent me today...
Bush's Media Agenda
The current administration is more inhospitable to truth and an informed citizenry than any before it. In fact, the administration seeks the opposite: a public that buys a carefully constructed myth over reality. This deception has manifest in seven lines of attack:
Infiltrating public broadcasting with party loyalists
Manufacturing fake news and propaganda
Bribing journalists to flack for the administration
Gutting the Freedom of Information Act
Deceiving media (and the U.S. public) about Iraq
Stifling dissent within mainstream media
Consolidating media control into the hands of the elite
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