Monday, January 23, 2006


From Josh Marshall at TPM:

"Jack is directly involved in the Republican party and conservative movement leadership structures and is one of the leading fund raisers for the party and its congressional candidates."

From Jack Abramoff's bio on the Greenberg-Traurig website, circa 2003.

Yeah, what a bipartisan scandal this is.

I had a fever all weekend and nearly lost my lunch watching idiots like Mary Matalin and Tim Russert try to AGAIN paint this as a bipartisan scandal. It is not. Abramoff is a Republican. His and Delay's work have helped to destroy Congress and hurt this country. He raised over $100,000 for the Preznit and has met with him and his administration numerous times. Money given to Demoocrats by indian tribes hardly makes this a "bipartisan scandal." The White House is feverishly trying to distance the President from Abramoff and I have read that they are even distroying pictures of the two together. TIME has more on the pictures of the two best buddies and see here for more of the so called "liberal media" towing the line for Republicans and their newest talking point.

BTW, what would you do if the stink of corruption was hitting your office? Talk about terrorism and lie about your opponents!!! On that note I was so glad to see Senator Kerry on This Week defend the Constitution and Democrats against these lieing sacks of shit.