Happy St. Patrick's Day
3 Year's Ago...

Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised. This regime has already used weapons of mass destruction against Iraq's neighbors and against Iraq's people.
The regime has a history of reckless aggression in the Middle East. It has a deep hatred of America and our friends. And it has aided, trained and harbored terrorists, including operatives of al Qaeda.
The danger is clear: using chemical, biological or, one day, nuclear weapons, obtained with the help of Iraq, the terrorists could fulfill their stated ambitions and kill thousands or hundreds of thousands of innocent people in our country, or any other.
The United States and other nations did nothing to deserve or invite this threat. But we will do everything to defeat it. Instead of drifting along toward tragedy, we will set a course toward safety. Before the day of horror can come, before it is too late to act, this danger will be removed.
Many Iraqis can hear me tonight in a translated radio broadcast, and I have a message for them. If we must begin a military campaign, it will be directed against the lawless men who rule your country and not against you. As our coalition takes away their power, we will deliver the food and medicine you need. We will tear down the apparatus of terror and we will help you to build a new Iraq that is prosperous and free. In a free Iraq, there will be no more wars of aggression against your neighbors, no more poison factories, no more executions of dissidents, no more torture chambers and rape rooms. The tyrant will soon be gone. The day of your liberation is near.
Should Saddam Hussein choose confrontation, the American people can know that every measure has been taken to avoid war, and every measure will be taken to win it. Americans understand the costs of conflict because we have paid them in the past. War has no certainty, except the certainty of sacrifice.
Today, when you're out getting shitfaced, be sure to toast all of the dead who have so far died for this lying sack of shit. Then toast the cost of this war. Then toast the record amount of billioniares and the record number of those living in poverty this country has. Then toast "sacrifice." Then toast the debt this Congress just OK'd. Then toast your kids and grandkids, who will pay back that debt. Then, have about fifty five more beers to drown the pain of this fascist reality. Then go to sleep. Then wake up, be grateful that the toilet you are puking into has indoor plumbing, and thank St. Patrick that your life, your situation, is lucky enough for you to not be stuck fighting in this war of choice.
Then go see V for Vendetta.
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