Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Crime Family Values

Unreal. This is how these we-hate-government-so-laws-don't-apply-to-us assheads think.

And Howard Dean cuts through the b.s.:
Indicted Republican leader Tom DeLay announced late last night that he will withdraw from his race for re-election and leave Congress within months.

This comes after Friday's news that a key former DeLay aide pleaded guilty to conspiracy and agreed to cooperate with the ongoing federal investigation of DeLay's money-for-influence machine.

DeLay says he made his decision because he doesn't want to let Democrats make him the issue in the 2006 elections. But Tom DeLay himself has never been the issue.

DeLay is a symptom of a larger disease -- a sick Republican culture of corruption that touches everyone who took his dirty money, voted for his corrupt leadership, or sat silently while their party has sold our government to the highest bidder. The corruption extends to the House, the Senate, and the Bush Administration -- and this November the accountability must reach just as wide.

Democrats aren't running against Tom DeLay this year. We are running to end the Republican culture of corruption and restore integrity to our government. What we stand for is clear.

On April 29th, when tens of thousands of volunteers hit the streets in the first-ever 50-state canvass, they will be carrying the six simple things that Democrats stand for. At the top of the list is a clear commitment:

1. Honest Leadership & Open Government: We will end the Republican culture of corruption and restore a government as good as the people it serves.

In honor of Tom DeLay's retirement, today I am ordering another 250,000 of the door-hangers that bear this message -- that's an investment to reach another quarter-million voters on our April 29th organizing day. (my bold)

Well, the Democrats have been driving me mental lately, but Howard has not. He's still one of the only ones speaking his mind and because of that, I will keep giving him my time and money. He's got the party on a 50 state strategy and I truly believe that they will take back the Congress because of him. Anyway, you can donate here.