Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Dear God I've been busy. Comedy, work, internet porn... it never ends. Anywho, I have long been a fan of John Dean and his book Worse than Watergate: the Secret Presidency of George W. Bush, and now he has a new book called Conservatives Without Conscience and the best of the cable shows had him on yesterday, good stuff.

Also, Bonds may get indicted. Yaaaaaayyyy Justice System! Way to go America! Let the dipshit who leaked a CIA agents name during wartime go, but certainly jail Martha and Barry. I can't stand Barry, but Jesus, Rove got a flipping raise this week!

Also, from that article is this gem:

At that level, the White House aide who keeps a log of the gifts sent to the president makes about as much as the average starting pay for a public school teacher. At $15 an hour, that’s almost three times the national minimum wage of $5.15. (Congress is debating this summer whether to raise the minimum wage, while the administration prefers to leave it where it is).

MMmmm... that's certainly "compassionate."