Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Truth About Terror

The GOP is America's leading terrorist organization.

I wish it wasn't true, but it is. I have been calling them what they are for years- fearmongering liars. And in the mainstream, its been hinted at before by people like John Dean, Howard Dean, John Kerry, and of course Colbert and Stewart. But no one has said it as clearly and as bluntly as Keith Olberman. Their latest ad is yet another reason why these sick bastards need to be booted out of office. They are doing Osama Bin Laden's work for him, while letting him roam free. They told us after 9-11 to "Never forget" as if someone could forget 9-11 even if they tried. But in looking back, I don't think they mean, "Never forget that we were attacked," I think they mean "Never forget how scared you were." And to make sure you don't forget, they will do what they've always done, use terrorism for political purposes while refusing to actually fight it. (Also see the shameful use of real terror alerts in the history of false alarms.)

Bravo Keith.