Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Hackett's Loss in Ohio

Maj. Paul Hackett, an Iraq veteran who ran for Congress in the 2nd congressional district in Ohio, lost yesterday to Jean Schmidt. Hackett ran as a Democrat one of the most Republican districts in the country (a Dem hasn't won there in 20 years). The normal balance is 70-30 in this overwhelmingly conservative district. It would have been a great win for the Democrats but 70-30 is a really tough mountain to climb. So how badly did Hackett get "buried?"


This is unreal and an opportunity for the Democratic Party to steel victory from the jaws of defeat. The Republican Congressional Committee was forced to spend 500,000 to win (or "bury him" as they referred to it- support the troops!) this seat in a place where they shouldn't have had to spend a dime. The reason, I believe that Hackett did so well, outside of his military service and the incredible netroots support was that he was a tough talker who was clear, concise, and not embarrassed about his opinions. He didn't waffle, and he didn't apologize- even after calling the President (who got 64% of the district against Kerry) a “son of a bitch” and a “chickenhawk.” He simply said that he did not respect Bush, but did respect the office to the point that he was willing to die for him. He called on his critics (most like Rush et al who "Swift Boated" him for 'not really seeing combat') to 'get off their chickenhawk asses and go see if Falluja isn't really combat.'

All in all, this guy has balls the size of church bells and people respected that. Republicans voted for him. Republicans that voted for the President voted for him. He won in all the rural areas otherwise thought to be heavily Republican.
We need more people like him. Clear, concise, and no holds barred. Kerry would have won if he showed even one-tenth the conviction that Hackett did. And the Democratic Party needs to get of their asses quicker and support candidates like him in the reddest of the red districts if they think they can compete nationally again. I want this guy to run for governor but he’ll probably be sent back to Iraq.
How depressing.

On a lighter note, speaking of no holds barred, it might just be the funniest movie trailer ever.