Delay, Frist and Fat Tony's Party

A tough week for Fat Tony's party. A "good ally" to the President is indicted. Hopefully Rove is next. And how unfortunate for Senator Bill Frist to also have to face an investigation, in this case by the SEC for illegal sale of stock from his "blind" trust just days before the stock crashed. The stock he sold was from HCA, a company his family started. Now, call me snarky, but how would Frist get the knowledge that his family's company stock was going to tank soon enough to get rid of it?
Oh, and remember Martha and all that jail time?
Let's see if the Democrats are smart enough to run against the party of corruption in 2006.
Oh, and don't by any of Delay's bs. that Ronnie Earl is a partisan hack.
From ThinkProgress:
“Over Earle’s 27-year tenure, his Public Integrity Unit has prosecuted 15 elected officials, including 12 Democrats.”
“Some of the Democrats prosecuted by Earle and his Public Integrity Unit are former Texas House Speaker Gib Lewis, former Texas Attorney General Jim Mattox, former State Treasurer Warren Harding and former Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Yarbrough.”
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