Tuesday's Gone...
... and so are all eight of the school board members in Dover, PA that supported teaching "intelligent design" in SCIENCE class. WooHooo!!!
How much news coverage of this GOoPer utter embarassment have you seen on the "liberal" media?
Also, I voted for the first time in CA and would you know it, alot of people voted the same way I did! All of Governor Scqcdhrartzanagerrrrraaffhhh's ballot initiatives failed, as they were polled to do over a year ago. So ignoring the polls and stubbornly refusing to work with the Democratic legislature, Arnold spent millions to take the questions to the people and the people soundly told him to fuck off. Those millions could have fixed roads, strengthened homeland security, and fixed schools, but hell, looking back it was a taxpayer funded campaign against this bad acid trip called the Governator.
And we have two new governors and they are both (gasp) Democrats!!! Corzine in NJ and Kaine in VA... In fact, President Bush campaigned on behalf of Jerry Kilgore in Virginia and it probably hurt Kilgore's chances of beating Governor-elect Tim Kaine. How sweet is that?
Republican's claim a victory in New York with Bloomberg, the most liberal Republican since Lincoln, winning reelection for mayor after outspending his opponent 10-1.
Also, Eric Alterman calls attention to the party of spending and torture: "$44billion: Torture Ain't Cheap." They want to investigate the black site leak, but not the torture or the black sites. Your moral values party, ladies and gentleman.
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