The Smoking Gun

Here it is. 6 months to the day that hurricane Katrina struck, Bush is caught red-handed in a blatant lie that he was still telling as late as tuesday night. You all have heard many times President Bumblefuck- the head of the party of personal responsibility- say that he had no idea of the chaos and 'no one could have imagined the levees breaking.' Well, we see today that that was another lie from Fat Tony's administration. Hmmmm, I wonder when his poll numbers slip below 34%?
Anyway, though he tells the conference call that the US federal government is "fully prepared," he does not ask a single question during the briefing. Then he goes to bed and learns only days after the hurricane has past what we were all watching on TV. He learned shocking reality by watching a DVD compiled to show him what he should have been very well aware of by a staff that was to afraid to bring the 'ol boss the bad news.
Dear Republicans,
I can now see now that those who believe that government is a problem, should never, ever have this much control of it. Those who hate government are proving how poorly they run something they hate at its core. Your excuses and apathy, your willful ignorance and your faith in this incompetent maniac are helping to destroy this country.
I don't feel safe.
May God have mercy on your souls for delivering this psychopath to our doorstep.
Oh, and the same week that we find out that xenophobic scaremonger's technique of trying to blend all Arabs into the same group (remember the 2004-9/11-Iraq-war on terror-Saddam-is-an-evil-doer-campaign?) is actually working adversely with his base, we found out that not only are we giving the port control away, but we're cutting money for the Coast Guard!!! Oh and isn't it great that the Dubai company wouldn't have to keep record in this country? That would make them harder to investigate, sue, regulate and prosecute. Isn't that great!??!?!?
WooHOOO!!! Conservatism works!!! The democrats must be "to the right!!!!" WooHoo, thank God boys can't kiss!!!! Dubya's gonna protect us!!!!
Go back and read that Molly Ivins piece.
Anyway the port deal is minor compared to what we need to do, as Kerry frequently said, to improve security of the ports. Checking at most, 5% of the incoming traffic is a joke. We only have a 95% chance of biting the apocalyptic bullet. Yaaaaayyyy!!!!!
But, who gives a shit, like I said, boys can't kiss.

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