Bush Not Just Slow, But Satanic In Response
I dare you to defend him after reading this. It takes a special kind of evil to pull that off. An evil far worse than what any wacko "values voter" can try to hold on to in their attack on the Democrats. His staged photo op also meant that relief helicopters had to be grounded, halting food supplies.
Think about that for a second... The President of the United States, a man who claims to be compassionate, a man who claims to be Christian, STAGED a photo op to make it LOOK like he cared and was fixing the levee and in the process slowed relief to the starving, and failed to fix anything.
I can not believe how sick this man is.
Sunday morning Democrats better be SCREAMING about this.
Monday morning Democrats better be SCREAMING about this.
Tuesday morning Democrats better be SCREAMING about this.
Wednesday morning Democrats better be SCREAMING about this.
Thursday morning Democrats better be SCREAMING about this.
Friday morning Democrats better be SCREAMING about this.
Saturday morning Democrats better be SCREAMING about this.
Sunday morning Democrats better be SCREAMING about this.
If the Democrats don't speak up - after a week where FOX News and the Manchester Union Leader turned on Bush - I am going to vomit.
Call your member of Congress and tell them you will donate and raise money for their opponent if you don't hear them raising hell about this, and how this administration has abandoned this country this week, and for the past five years. Haliburton will certainly be caling their congressmen, but with thanks for yet another contract. Seriously, I will donate my time and money helping spineless Democrats get unelected if they allow this deriliction of duty to continue without a peep.
These sick bastards are putting our lives at risk daily and care more about staged photo ops to stop their sinking poll numbers than they do about starving infants.
You know, "pro-life."
Update: From NYT:
Of course this was coming...
The silence of many prominent Democrats reflects their conclusion that the president is on treacherous political ground and that attacking him would permit the White House to dismiss the criticism as partisan politics-as-usual, a senior Democratic aide said.
Bullshit! Everyone reading this, get on the phone. Their silence-as-strategy has lost them the house, senate, white house, and courts and it is the people who are PAYING FOR IT. Call them and tell them that our lives are at risk with this nutcase in charge and to raise hell!!! Not when the new poll numbers come out, or when it is a more oportunistic time in the mind of some overpaid strategist's mind, but right now. This is as crucial a moment as any we have ever seen in this country, and one party cannot be allowed to sit on the sidelines or they, along with the rest of us, are totally screwed.
Update 2 ( 9/7/05):

Even these much needed volunteer firemen had to act as props for Dubya before they could move on to more important things like rescuing people.
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