Two stories of note from media matters that deserve attention...
#1: Pat Tillman's mother, in an article in the San Francisco Chronicle about her persuit of the real story of her son's death, tells us that Pat was among other things, a fan of Noam Chomsky, a Kerry supporter, thought the Iraq war was a terrible idea, and had planned to meet with Chomsky privately. Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter hear all these things and their response is "I don't believe it." This is how sick these people are. They need that symbol of Tillman that they created in their heads to beef up their own sense of moral and patriotic righteousness (Coulter called him - “an American original — virtuous, pure and masculine like only an American male can be”) but when confronted with facts from the guy's mother, they just choose not to believe it. Now, that is unbelievable.
#2: Bill Bennet thinks aborting all black children will lower the crime rate. Seriously.
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