Thursday, September 08, 2005


Gathered from the NYTimes, AP

"It's a summary of all that this administration is not in touch with and has faked and ducked and bobbed over the past four years. What you see here is a harvest of four years of complete avoidance of real problem solving and real governance in favor of spin and ideology."

Damn right, that guy should run for president.

(on her call to the President to fire Michael Brown)
"He said 'Why would I do that?"'
"'I said because of all that went wrong, of all that didn't go right last week.'"
"And he said 'What didn't go right?"'
"Oblivious. In denial. Dangerous."
"Americans should now harbor no illusions about the government's ability to respond effectively to disasters." "Our vulnerabilities were laid bare."

Evan Bayh:
"Our government failed at one of the most basic functions it has - providing for the physical safety of our citizens."

Barbara Mikulski:
"Lets bring in someone who's a professional in emergency management.." [FEMA has gone] "from a professional agency to a crony agency." "I'm calling that Michael Brown leaves FEMA — either voluntarily or involuntarily."

Howard Dean:
"As survivors are evacuated, order is restored, the water slowly begins to recede and we sort through the rubble, we must also begin to come to terms with the ugly truth that skin colour, age and economics played a deadly role in who survived and who did not. "And the question that emerged: How can this happen in America?"...
"This is deeply disturbing to a lot of Americans, because it's more than thousands of people who get killed; it's about the destruction of the American community." "The idea that somehow government didn't care until it had to for political reasons. It's appalling."

Edward Kennedy:
"The powerful winds of this storm have torn away that mask that has hidden from our debates the many Americans who are left out and left behind."

John Edwards:
"The truth is the people who suffer the most from Katrina are the very people who suffer the most every day."

Dick Durbin:
"It's clear that Mr. Brown was not prepared to lead the federal rescue and recovery effort necessary to cope with this disaster." "As a result of his inexperience and mismanagement, thousands of Americans have suffered."

Robert Wexler:
"It was undeniable that Undersecretary Brown had been responsible for a massive misallocation of recovery aid funds. Given the federal government's weak response in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and FEMA's failure to adequately address the catastrophe in New Orleans, I am even more convinced that Undersecretary Brown must be removed immediately." "It is a stain upon the record of FEMA and the administration that the groundwork was not laid to prepare for a hurricane of this magnitude — either as an advance plan from 2001 or in the days leading up to Katrina's landing, when experts predicted it would hit the Gulf Coast as a Category Five storm."

Hillary Clinton (responding to accusations that Dems are playing the 'blame game'):
"Every time anyone raises any kind of legitimate criticism and asks questions, they're attacked."
"That's what they always do; I've been living with that kind of rhetoric for the last four and a half years." "It's time to end it. It's time to actually show this government can be competent."
[The evacuees] "want answers and they want to know what went wrong and they want to know what they are going to be able to count on in the future."

What's funny is House Speaker Dennis Hastert said "Some people are really very anxious to start pointing fingers and playing the blame game. I think we need to get our work done."
Yet, this is the same man who advocated not rebuilding and bulldozing New Orleans one day after the storm hit.

And a video timeline for those feeling confused from the onslaught of white noise that is the GOP spin machine.