In my investigation, I found I was very prepared and quite charming...
Well, it turns out that Bush will be calling his own balls and strikes. I am sure we will find out exactly what went wrong. Hooray for democracy!
At least this gives the feckless democrats an example of the abuse of power and corruption to run with, but don't count on them to voice it loudly or clearly.
Also, why is Bush accepting responsibility (HOLY CRAP A MONKEY JUST FLEW OUT OF MY ASS!!!!!!) and addressing the nation? Probably because Rove fears that the rest of world is seeing the End of the Bush Era.
With the aforementioned abuse of power and the crumbliing support for the President, I pray the Democrats get their asses in gear and start holding this administration to the fire. CA's congressional delegation seems to be at least, but they all as a party need to stop with waiting for the opportunistic openings and start calling their own balls and strikes- right now. For starters, how about fillibustering Roberts or anyone else until a truly independent commission is set up to see why the response to Katrina was so botched. Screw this Republican white wash commission, play hardball, our lives are at risk with these sickos in charge. No reform is going to happen without a proper independent investigation. Aren't we supposed to feel safer with them in charge? Wasn't it Kerry who was going to put our lives at risk?
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