Faux News Scaremongering
Media Matters brings us the clip of Keith Olbermann's "Worst Persons In the World" Awards...

Keith Olbermann:
... This morning, after the president's tale about breaking up a terror plot to destroy the Library Tower in L.A., Fox illustrated its coverage by showing clips from the 1996 movie, Independence Day, which simulated the destruction of the Library Tower by intergalactic aliens. Look, if you're going to whore out your channel to scare people on the president's behalf, at least save the Independence Day clips for when he claims he's only been eavesdropping on terrorist calls from outer space.
This is almost as funny as calling the weather report the FoxCast. But, it brings up an interesting question. Before I get to that, I think this needs to reviewed. (I posted it below, but I wanted to continue to use the context that Keith used it in.) Again, it is from Fox News, but from reading the Media Matters post about Olbermann, I became horrified...
At Mrs. King's funeral, after Reverend Lowery made his remarks that "we now know there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq," those in attendance gave him a 23-second standing ovation. When Fox News Channel ran the tape of Lowery's remark, it cut the applause to nine seconds, and then Fox commentator Morton Kondracke came on and said: "The crowd did not go as wild as you -- as it sounded as though it did at the time and as various people have represented." He was surprised there was not more applause after they edited out the applause. Come on! It's journalism. Look it up in a dictionary. Fox News Channel: today's worst persons in the world. (my bold)
O.K., so we all know that Fox News lies consistently, 24 hours a day. Now here we have evidence of fearmongering and another example of the use of fantastical special effects, and another of lieing and another of editiing out crucial elements of a story and then lying about it.
Of course, its Fox, so people who say... think, we just laugh it off. But here's what horrified me...
What happens when Fox News starts using their own Industrial Light and Magic-type special effects to scare, lie, edit, whore out themselves for this criminal GOP mafia? I mean, can you think of the possibilities?
Here's an example:
FOX NEWS ALERT......... Today In the Scary Black Neighborhood of Harlem Former President Bill Clinton Was Seen Walking Into A Cheap Motel With Monica Lewinski, Who Was Wearing That Famous Blue Dress, While Howard Dean Was In The Background Delivering His Scream Speech While Stepping On the Throat of a Latino Republican Woman Who Was Having An Unwanted Abortion Administered By Another Howard Dean...
And then they'd have the video of it. And then they would comment on it with, oh, say, Ronald Reagan, who, along with the video, would be magically placed back in the studio by the wonders of digital effects.
This is what is coming....
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