So, I was furious with Bush yesterday. I wasn't really ready for it at all. I had no really heavy heart nor an empty indifference leading up until the fifth anniversary of 9/11. That is to say my usual 'Bush Meter' reading remained at level-
"I hate this fucking moron and his complete destruction of the world" but did not slip to level-
"I moving to Canada" or even rise to the occasional, laughter inducing level-
"Jesus, this guy is retarded, did he just massage a female world leader and bark and swear at another world leader with his mouth full of food in the same weekend? Does he think they were secretly filming 'Porky's at the G8?'" But for some reason, after replaying that day over in my head, I began thinking about how much Bush blew it after 9/11. I was not really obsessing over 9/11, just coming to grips with it all over again. Then I watched Bush's primetime speech and just lost it.
Every thought ran into the next... Just bafflement at looking at the pictures of Bush choking when it mattered most for over 7 minutes, then dividing a united world with his crusaders rhetoric, then to demonizing opposing viewpoints, then the administration's resisting the investigations that the widows wanted, than Iraq, then the swiftboats, then stealing another election, and still no UBL, still no 9/11 commission recommendations in place but hey, we're fighting them in Iraq so they can't fight us here but don't you fucking dare take any Poland Springs on the plane, and lets still do next to nothing to really protect our ports or our borders. Let's not build up schools but lets masquerade under a slogan, a slogan that like the Clean Skies or the Healthy Forests programs, competes for the title of "Most Opposite Name For What A Program Actually Does" in some Orwellian Olympics. Fuck feeding poor, starving kids, Jesus would have almost certainly handed out tax cuts. Soon they'll be using the story of Lazarus to justify eliminating the 'Death Tax.' You can almost see the commercial.
And I almost hope the hicks, farmers, and ignorant good ol' boys enjoy the fact that they are paying $4 a gallon gas and have no health care and their wages are going down and even though they voted for this feckless frat boy who has never worked a day in his life, I hope they also enjoy the fact that boys can still kiss and girls can still get abortions. And in the Right's constant attempt at rewriting of history and science and ignoring global warming while embracing creationism and all the while the lies. The lies that never stop. A non-stop faucet of deceit behind a drumbeat of religious demogaugery aided by an ill-informed, willfully ignorant, overly religious, authoritarian flock of brainwashed cowards.
Then I think, what about Gore? What about Kerry? What about Dean for Christ's sake? All would have been far superior to this gibbering ex-coke head. Would they have really taken more vacation days than any other president? Would they have sat there for seven minutes or a month earlier, would any one of those men responded to a CIA briefing that included the infamous 'Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the US' memo with, "OK, you covered your ass" as this President did? Would any of them expose a CIA agent's identity while we were at war while she was working in the very intelligence office that dealt with the central reason (what was it again, oh yeah W!M!D!) of why we were at war in the first place?
Then I think of the Democrats and stopping this sociopath before another 9/11, fake war, or Katrina happens. And sadly, I don't see it. I don't see them fighting like they should be.
No election this year should be even close. The Democrats should win every single seat vs. someone who even remotely supports this reality-AWOL criminal. Every single day the Democrats should sing a chorus of Bush's lies, Rumsfeld's inneptitude, the press's inaccuracies, lies, and bias, they should boycott and sue Faux News and they should show pictures of Abu Ghraib, Mission Accomplished, Katrina, Bush-the-G8-massaging-national-embarrassment, the unprotected ports, Rove, Delay, Enron, Kenny Boy Lay and the letters of 'Thank yous' and 'well wishes' Bush wrote to him, show pictures of Abramoff, Valerie Plame, Usama, panoramic shots of American Corporations lining the streets of Beijing, drowning polar bears, Cheney in his hunting uniform, Cheney snarling, Cheney in front of Han Solo incased in carbonite at Jabba's palace, gas pumps, the national debt clock, and flag-draped coffins.
Every single day. Non-stop. I am sick and tired of this bullshit and you just
know that anyone who A) runs a criminal organization like Bush's Crime Family and B) will almost certainly get indicted if the Democrats win subpoena power, will be playing hardball. But for some reason the Democrats won't strike back with viscously delivered, brutal honesty.
Basically, stop playing wiffle ball while the other guy is using aluminum and BALCO.
I think it is great that Ted Kennedy and others immediately blasted the Pres for his decision to abuse what should be a day above even his distortions, but it wasn't hard enough and it wasn't met with a united rage from every single Democrat today. Instead, the Democrats spoke out with the passion and tenacity of a skinny Nevadan reading a prepared statement with his head in his notes. By the end of the day
the press was talking about the
Republicans actually accusing the Democrats of politiczing the day. The knock out blow came from
John "tanny Boy" Boner who said that he couldn't tell why the Democrats wanted to help Al Queda more than the American people.
You see, that's hardball. That's the money quote, and the guy almost certainly wasn't reading that line off a prepared statement. The Democrats need to point out Bush's shallowness and complete disregard for the memory of the 9/11 victims and keep reminding the public that this guy is a liar with no morals and abosolutly no plan. Take it to him hard and bang the drum all day every day. No more of the guy from the tanning salon calling calling anyone else a nancybitch.
Look, if we have to live in a world where Fox News can be "shocked" that James Frey wrote a fake memoir, than we should also live in a world where the Democrats can actually call President Flight Suit and his Republican Codpieces of Congress what they really are: servants of Satan destroying the world through lies, manipulation, corruption, cronyism, stealing and war.
And that brings me back toward why I got so pissed off yesterday. It was not the images of 9/11. It was not rethinking my own 9/11 experience and reliving all the feelings of that day and letting rage get the best of me. Instead, I got those feelings after watching Bush piss on the memory of 9/11 by using his primetime speech to the nation to discuss how important his bogus war in Iraq is.
In what should have been an act of national healing, our president showed us the hubris that probably earned him his first DUI, and only comes from a lifetime of living with an equally psychotic father and a woman souless and vapid enough to think American refugees were "
better off" living in a football stadium.
In the emptiest gesture of American politics I have ever seen, President Bush tried, again, to rewrite one of histories greatest failures and tie it to one of our most sacred days.
What balls.
Weeks ago, when asked what Saddam had to do with 9/11, the President answered "Nothing." At the time he was challenged, he was smack dab in the middle of intertwining the two narratives, as he and everyone else at
Castle Grayskull have been doing for years.
Since then he and members of his administration have muddied the water on that topic again and again and have compared the now-majority of Americans who have realized he's full of shit, as appeasers to the Nazi's, Fascists, and Al-Queda.
And last night, as always, when the choice comes down to basic human decency and the truth vs. fearmongering and complete bullshit, the president went with the ladder.
It wasn't the first time he politicized 9/11, but to me, it certainly was the most offensive.
I am surprised he didn't
unnecessarily raise the terror alert and cut to shots of a Gay Wedding throughout the speech.
Anyway, this fraud has taken the gloves off too many times and the Democrats need to hit back, and don't let vocal supporters like Santorum and Saint McCain off the hook,
no matter what the media does. Let America know that this disgraceful lunatic is supported with an absolute power granted to him by his Do-Nothing Congress. And they should do so like the Republicans always do, by going extremely negative, but unlike the GOP, they should do it with the truth.
But before running all of those other ads I mentioned, they should start with airing an ad showing clips from yesterday's despicable speech with a scrolling "How dare he disgrace 9/11 like this..." intertwined with clips of the Republican candidates who support him.
Take the gloves off. He politicized it, and now the Democrats should disgrace him for doing so.
Atrios has a really good point here. If it's the biggest struggle in the history of the world, why are we fighting it without enough of a military force? Also, why tax cuts and not more of a homeland sacrifice?
Update Update: This is the
kind of thing I am talking about.