Broken branch

This article lays it out as simple as possible. We are fucked as a democracy unless more people revolt against this sort of thing. Please take the time to read it.
I found the piece thanks to David Sirota and here's a snippet of his review of it. This needs to be drilled into the collective skulls of the Democratic leadership:
The takeaway from this article is really threefold:
1) The U.S. Congress does not represent "democracy" and to say it does is to insult the word "democracy" and all of those throughout American history who have fought for democracy.
2) The problem with Congress is largely a problem with the corruption of the GOP. But, that said, the problem also involves Democrats, a powerful cadre of whom seem comfortable in the minority, and seem comfortable selling their souls to the highest corporate bidder. Unless Democrats really change, unify, and take up policies that challenge Congress's bought-off behavior, they will not be able to electorally capitalize on corruption.
3) Despite all of this, there still are some courageous leaders in Congress like Sanders and others fighting for ordinary citizens. The more we, the grassroots, can help them in their fight, the more we will start taking back our government.
Rolling Stone's website is acting a bit wierd with this piece, so if you can't click on it, just go to and go to "politics" and then "Four Ammendments and a Funeral."
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