... This way you'll continue to obey, continue to ignore the truth, and (to quote the Great Bill Hicks) continue to "Go Back to Bed America."
Does anyone find it odd that Osama released another mix tape just as the polls are coming crashing down around Republicans and the Abramoff stench is reaching the White House? It's just like him to release his messages just when possibly troubling things are happening to Republicans here. Wow, if he isn't as tapped in as ever to our own political rumblings. He must get Hardball and the Daily Show in that cave we are not able to find him in "Dead or Alive." Wasn't his last tape "released" four days before one of the closest elections in history?
Hmmmmmmm.... On that note, does anyone reading this (no, not you NSA guys, but anyone else) have a computer that can trace the similarities between "Bin Laden's" voice on the tape and Bin Laden's real voice? Oh no wait, only our government has that capability. Go back to bed America, our government will keep us safe.
Also, who
besides Karl Rove, GWB, Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, Joe Scarborough, Chris Matthews, Glen Beck, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly,
John Gibson, and every Republican Senator, Congressmen, etc noticed the similarities between the rock and a hard place Bush has put himself in
- as pointed out by critics (you know, America haters) - and the rock and a hard place the "voice on the tape" pointed out? By that I mean, Bush knows the war is unwinnable. Bush knows Murtha's posistion is slowly but surely going to be exactly what happens. He can't look like a "defeatist" even though Murtha's posistion is not one of defeat. Whatever will he do in this predicament while facing crashing poll numbers? Viola! Scary man saves the day again! I bet the color coded terrorist alert levels are jumping up just as they did everytime John Kerry did something newsworthy (like naming a VP, or accepting the nomination) right? Oh no wait, they didn't move up at all. Wow. Does anyone else feel that maybe, just maybe, we are being manipulated? Or is that just America hating? (
Anyway, thank Thor that tape came out the same day the NY Times ran a story that pretty much put the Bush-lied-about-the-uranium-claim-that-led-us-to-war story to bed. Did anyone read that story? Mike Malloy, one of my personal heroes, did and here are his thoughts on it...
(Mike's show can be heard every night on Air America and his thoughts can be read here.)Bush's Uranium LiesGeorge W. Bush is a pathological liar. By definition, a pathological liar. How else to explain what the NY Times revealed today: "A high-level intelligence assessment by the Bush administration concluded in early 2002 that the sale of uranium from Niger to Iraq was unlikely because of a host of economic, diplomatic and logistical obstacles, according to a secret memo that was recently declassified by the State Department. Among other problems that made such a sale improbable, the assessment by the State Department's intelligence analysts concluded, was that it would have required Niger to send 25 hard-to-conceal 10-ton tractor-trailers filled with uranium across 1,000 miles and at least one international border. The analysts' doubts were registered nearly a year before President Bush, in what became known as the infamous '16 words' in his 2003 State of the Union address, said that Saddam Hussein had sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." Click here to read the full article. If the doubts regarding the possibility - in addition to the probability - of this shipment of uranium were made known to Bush a year before his [State of the Union] address, why would he make the claim knowing it was false? Because he is a liar. Because he and his corrupt administration are following, to the letter, the playbook compiled by Fascism's worst: The Nazis. As we have said repeatedly on the program, everything that comes from the Bush Crime Family, from any member of the Bush Crime Family, under any circumstance, is simply not true. This criminal organization deals in death, torture and lies in its dedication to greed and power. If the Constitution of the United States is to survive, Bush and his thugs must be removed from office.We are in a crisis
right now. The constitution is being torn to shreds by these monsters. We are fighting a war based on lies told repeatedly because of these "Christians." Our government is for sale to the highest bidder. Our laws are being ignored by our own government. Quaker peace activists are being spied on. Our emails, phonecalls and even web searches are being read without warrants all in the name of national securtity and yet, a guy who killed 3,000 of our citizens still roams free to taunt us whenever Republicans are in trouble.
Freedom is on the march.
Update: Here's more from
Martin Garbus:
Samuel Alito, John Roberts (in his Circuit Court decisions), Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, and wunderkind John Yoo give the President unchecked domestic and foreign powers to create that world. Bush can start his own wars, preemptive or otherwise, is the ultimate interpreter of foreign treaties, he defines enemy combatants as he wishes, he detains prisoners for as long as he wishes, he continues surveillance on foreign intercepts for as long as he wishes, he tortures as he wishes, he can ignore Congressional directives and statutes such as those creating FISA, as well as essential elements of our Constitution.This litany has no end. We cannot now anticipate all the ramifications of the "unitary" president and his claim of "inherent powers," except that it clearly allows him to fully take over the government....The new power the President has come from somewhere. If you give him new powers, it comes at the expense of the people who previously had the power through the Congress to make those decisions.
This idea of this change of the power structure was not a flash in the pan idea -- it is not a concept without a meaning -- it is very serious and must be treated as such.
Gonzalez, Alito and Roberts argue that if the Constitution does not very specifically preclude the President's actions, he has a free hand. They claim they are writing on a clean slate. If the Founding Fathers did not anticipate everything a President might try and do and did not prohibit it, then Bush can do it. Only a document far, far longer than this Constitution could even attempt to scratch at the surface of these unforeseen events.
The Bush Administration ignore centuries of Constitutional decision-making that limits the President, decisions during the Civil War, World War II, World War II and the Korean, Vietnamese and Cold Wars. In the unlikely event the new Supreme Court does not give him all he wants, he will ignore those decisions as well.
That is truly what a "unitary" president means. If America did not pay attention before, it must now.