God, I love starting the work week.
Anyway, in case you missed it,
60 minutes covered yet another pile of Bushit.
Also, anyone who has HBO should please watch their new documentary "
Too Hot NOT to Handle." It is basically the best beginners guide to global warming I have ever seen- really well done and informative, while not laying the blame on anyone. It premiered Saturday and today showed up on "On Demand." I hope it comes out on DVD because I think it should be shown in every classroom in America. Watch it, or please figure out a way to contain a three foot rise in the ocean.
Also, from their site, some tips on cutting down on energy usage...
1. Reduce your driving (walk, bike, ride mass transit, carpool).
2. Choose a more fuel efficient car.
3. Choose more energy-efficient appliances, especially major ones like refrigerators and water heaters.
4. Buy "green power" like wind energy from your electric utility - many offer this option now.
5. Reduce discretionary air travel and purchase carbon dioxide offsets for any air travel you can't avoid.
6. Recycle everything you can: newspapers, cans, glass bottles and jars, aluminum foil, motor oil, scrap metal, etc.
7. Don't use electrical appliances for things you can easily do by hand, such as opening cans.
8. Use cold water in the washer whenever possible.
9. Re-use brown paper bags to line your trash can instead of plastic bags. Re-use bread bags and the bags you bring your produce home in.
10. Store food in re-usable containers, instead of plastic wrap or aluminum foil.
11. Save wire coat hangers and return them to the dry cleaners.
12. Take unwanted, re-usable items to a charitable organization or thrift shop.
13. Don't leave water running needlessly.
14. Turn your heat down, and wear a sweater.
15. Turn off the lights, TV, or other electrical appliances when you are out of a room.
16. Flush the toilet less often. (If you cut flushing in half, you'll save up to 16.5 gallons a day.)
17. Turn down the heat and turn off the water heater before you leave for vacation.
18. Recycle your Christmas Tree. (Read all the things you can do.)
19. Recycle office and computer paper, cardboard, etc. whenever possible.
20. Use scrap paper for informal notes to yourself and others.
21. Print or copy on both sides of the paper.
22. Use smaller paper for smaller memos.
23. Re-use manila envelopes and file folders.
24. Hide the throw-away cups, and train people to use their washable coffee mugs. Use washable mugs for meetings too.
25. Avoid buying food or products in plastic or styrofoam containers whenever possible. (They cannot be recycled and do not break down in the environment.)
And again,
Al Gore's new movie is coming out soon too.