The funniest thing ever.
So, just what is a conservative nowadays? (watch the Bruce Bartlett interview)
Eat it, stupid.
So, just what is a conservative nowadays? (watch the Bruce Bartlett interview)
... it may cost us the election."
I saw this last night and it needs to be out there. Yet another memo that proves that Bush was hellbent on going to war. This is a war of choice, and what a terrible choice that was. Props to idiot boy Matthews for at least talking about it.
Not Ready to Make Nice
When President Bush signed the reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act this month, he included an addendum saying that he did not feel obliged to obey requirements that he inform Congress about how the FBI was using the act's expanded police powers.
What the hell is going on back there? As if this depressing slideshow of old friends isn't bad enough.
Another great clip from crooks and liars. And what ever happened to not wanting to pass on problems to future generations/presidents?
3 Year's Ago...
Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised. This regime has already used weapons of mass destruction against Iraq's neighbors and against Iraq's people.
The regime has a history of reckless aggression in the Middle East. It has a deep hatred of America and our friends. And it has aided, trained and harbored terrorists, including operatives of al Qaeda.
The danger is clear: using chemical, biological or, one day, nuclear weapons, obtained with the help of Iraq, the terrorists could fulfill their stated ambitions and kill thousands or hundreds of thousands of innocent people in our country, or any other.
The United States and other nations did nothing to deserve or invite this threat. But we will do everything to defeat it. Instead of drifting along toward tragedy, we will set a course toward safety. Before the day of horror can come, before it is too late to act, this danger will be removed.
Many Iraqis can hear me tonight in a translated radio broadcast, and I have a message for them. If we must begin a military campaign, it will be directed against the lawless men who rule your country and not against you. As our coalition takes away their power, we will deliver the food and medicine you need. We will tear down the apparatus of terror and we will help you to build a new Iraq that is prosperous and free. In a free Iraq, there will be no more wars of aggression against your neighbors, no more poison factories, no more executions of dissidents, no more torture chambers and rape rooms. The tyrant will soon be gone. The day of your liberation is near.
Should Saddam Hussein choose confrontation, the American people can know that every measure has been taken to avoid war, and every measure will be taken to win it. Americans understand the costs of conflict because we have paid them in the past. War has no certainty, except the certainty of sacrifice.
Today, when you're out getting shitfaced, be sure to toast all of the dead who have so far died for this lying sack of shit. Then toast the cost of this war. Then toast the record amount of billioniares and the record number of those living in poverty this country has. Then toast "sacrifice." Then toast the debt this Congress just OK'd. Then toast your kids and grandkids, who will pay back that debt. Then, have about fifty five more beers to drown the pain of this fascist reality. Then go to sleep. Then wake up, be grateful that the toilet you are puking into has indoor plumbing, and thank St. Patrick that your life, your situation, is lucky enough for you to not be stuck fighting in this war of choice.
Then go see V for Vendetta.
Yeah, I was disgusted too. But, this made me even more sick.
David Sirota says what I was trying to say yesterday, but waaaaaay better.
I think Feingold is right, the President broke the law and if it is not even noted by Congress, it is a pretty dangerous precedent. This Congress is absolutly pathetic. More Democrats should be on board with him, but of course, they are leaving him out to dry in an air of "oh yeah, that's what he thinks and that's nice, but I don't want to say that that is my posistion, which you will be able to decipher as soon as the commission I have assembled releases its report...." as they did with Murtha. And, as anyone who has been awake in the last five years should expect, when a Dem is in the spotlight, and his party is not rallying around him, the Republicans will strike with a fierce concoction of spin and bullshit and make the entire Democratic party look like sacless wimps. Sound familiar?
I want to see the uproar in conservative circles that I saw over "It's hard out here for a pimp" winning an oscar. Check out Elizawhore Dole's new quasi-racist, pimp-painting attack website against Harold Ford. (via Kos) This is unreal. For Republicans, however, a true sign of how in trouble they are. Amd I only say "quasi" because they don't come right out and call him a "pimp nigga" but that is clearly the message.
Unbelievable. Quick, somebody get Raphael Palmiero sworn back in and in front of cameras!!! We a representing the people! Yeah, that's the ticket, the people....
The buzz about barry is here. Holy crap, this is damaging. If this sort of thing comes out about David Ortiz, I thnk I'll drive a nail through my scrotum. There is one positive for Barry though. Now that he's off steroids, his neck will become human sized again, and he'll be able to fit into his presidential medal of freedom. No, but really, I will say its a funny how a lot of the Giants fans are dealing with this. It reminds me of Republican friends and how they dealt with the last year of Dubya. In both cases, as evidence mounts on both sides that their idol is infact a criminal fraud and these people are confronted with those facts, there's always a sigh, a pause as if recognizing reality if only for a nanosecond, and then a "yeah, but..." [insert rationalization for maintaining an undeserving, willfully ignorant worship] .
I watched this and struggled with putting a screwdriver through one of my pupils. "You can see this man's greatness." Wow, what a pinko tree hugger lib Matthews is. Media Matters called it gushing, butI don't think that is strong enough. It was pornagraphic sweaty panting in the worst sense. At one point,wear to God, Matthews actually slurps up his own spit to prevent himself from drooling on camera. Anyway, he not only tries to get Boehner to call Hillary a socialist- three times- but he gives him a platform, unopposed, to slam the Democrats and praise the GOP. Then, after they collectively slam Hillary, Matthews has on, guess who, Hillary Clinton's NY Senate race opponent. She was also unnopposed and Matthews called her a "delightful candidate." So this is what Ann Coulter meant when she said "We have the media now."
Ever wonder what information Big Brotha Dubya has been collecting on YOU? (Thanks to Ononite for the link)
"Yes girls, let's see now, before we get to prepositional phrases, what do you say I kiss you as only a grandfather can? ... Hey!!!"
I (giggle) wonder if (giggle, giggle) he'll (yet more giggling) STAND OUT (bawhawhawhahahahahaha) in a Vietnamese prison...
(By the way, I was shooting for a double entedre with the subject title. You know, the beginning of Rock and Roll Pt 2 and, well, Vietnamese. Who got it? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?)
Oh my God. I was just about to post this when I went to Wikipedia to see what they had on Glitter and, as Wikipedia always does, they had more then I was asking for. Check out these titles from Glitter's career and put them in thecontext of a pedophile teaching english:
1972 "Rock and Roll (Parts 1 and 2)"
Like the description of a child's anatomy.
1972 "I Didn't Know I Loved You (Til I Saw You Rock 'N' Roll)"
In the schoolyard with all the other children.
1973 "Do You Wanna Touch Me? (Oh Yeah)"
No comment.
1973 "Hello Hello I'm Back Again"
(sobbing on the witness stand) "And then Mr Glitter would unlock the dungeon where he kept me and all his other 10 year old sex slaves and he's say Hello Hello I'm Back Again..."
1973 "I Love You Love Me Love"
Ahhh, yeah, the fake Asian accent as delivered by a white guy. This guy knows his stuff.
1974 "Remember Me This Way"
I don't think those girls could ever forget you.
1974 "Oh Yes! You're Beautiful"
Picture a pedophile saying this.
1975 "Love Like You and Me"
Picture a pedophile saying this.
1975 "Doing Alright with the Boys"
Oh, you like boys too, do ya?
1975 "Papa Oom Mow Mow"
1976 "You Belong To Me"
Can't imagine how that would sound to an 11 year old Vietnamese girl.
1977 "It Takes All Night Long"
Dear Christ.
1977 "A Little Boogie Woogie in the Back of Mind"
Define "little."
1978 "365 Days"
Actually, you'll be in there for 1095 days.
1979 "Superhero"
Hardly. He was "renting" his villa.
1980 "When I'm On, I'm On"
This is starting to not be funny.
1980 "What Your Mama Don't See"
Scratch that last comment.
1981 "All That Glitters"
How much light do they give Vietnamese prisoners?
1981 "And Then She Kissed Me"
Seriously. It's like that, huh?
1995 "House Of The Rising Sun"
1995 "Hello, Hello I'm Back Again (Again!)
Tortured Screams.
2001 "You" Fan Club Single - Mail Order Only
Come to papa...
2004 "Control" Fan Club Single - Mail Order Only
That's right. "Mail order" and "control" in the same line.
And my personal favorite...
2005 "Field of Dreams"
I understand why some conservatives find a little relief in this Blanco story here, but I don't think it is even close to how ridiculous the Bush briefing video is. Like I said at the time, yeah everyone fucked up. But comparing the local fuckups to the federal ones is like comparing scraping your knee with having your testicles shot off. Furthermore, Blanco says "We keep getting reports in some places that maybe water is coming over the levees… We heard a report unconfirmed, I think, we have not breached the levee. I think we have not breached the levee at this time." Yes, that information was wrong, but they are talking about the breach of the levees in a context in which one would imagine if the levees had breached or they hadn't. In that context, how could Bush have repeatedly said that "no one could have anticipated" the levees breaking? The yahoo report states:
She sounds uncertain about the reliability of her information and cautioned that the situation “could change.” She reported that floodwaters were rising in parts of the city "where we have waters that are 8 to 10 feet deep, and we have people swimming in there."
"That's got a considerable amount of water itself," the governor said. "That's about all I know right now on the specifics that you haven't heard."
Blanco spokeswoman Denise Bottcher said Thursday that "our people on the ground were telling us that there could be over-topping and breaching, but it was hard to tell" by the noon briefing.
Really Denise? I heard something different. I heard that the Governor’s staff was so afraid to disrupt the Governor’s vacation, they waited days and gave her the critical information she needed via a DVD of news reports.
... So it was "hard to tell" something.... I wonder what it was hard to tell... Hmmmm I can't put my finger on it... in this context it seems "hard to tell" between something happening with the levees and something not happening but I just can't seem to think right now... Damn you imagination, will you just imagine things already!!! Can't you anticipate anything?!?!??!!