Your moral values crowd, ladies and gentleman.
Eat it, stupid.
Two stories of note from media matters that deserve attention...
The new Scorcese doc on Bob Dylan is just awesome. I was really looking forward to it because I thought the four hour documentary was going to be on Jacob Dylan, so initially I was disappointed that it was about his dad. But, to my surprise, his dad had an interesting life too and made quite the subject for Scorcese.
I'm sorry, but this just makes sense nowadays. And if you are into music distribution (formally "tape-trading") the subtext of the article is pretty funny and, as is the case with a lot of Jesse Jarnow's articles, this kinda needed to be said.
Once again, David Sirota tells it like it is.
Everyday I log into my yahoo accounts (before anyone suggests it, yes, I have moved on to Gmail, but I still have three separate accounts on yahoo, including the one for this site that I am forced to check often) and on the sign-in page I am always struck with the pictures that the people of Yahoo put next to the user/password prompts. They are always the most random, and often times confusing and offensive, pictures next to captions that have nothing to do with the picture. Here's my favorite:
The actual caption is, "We don't just find viruses, We zap 'em!" which has as much to do with this picture as "Get TIME for 50% off the Cover Price" would have.
Shouldn't the caption here be "The Roof of My Mouth is Bleeding" or "I Just B$%* Clifford!" or "Can Someone Please Zap These Alien Herpes On My Tongue?"
Anyway, feel free to add your own caption to all of these, but the real point is, why do they subject me to this when I want to check my email? I already use Yahoo, shouldn't the selling of the service have stopped after I signed up? What's with all the creepy pictures? Can't they just have a plain page like they used to? This is what happens when you give your account to the wrong ad people.
Here's more:
(2) Actual Caption: Spamguard Giveth, SpamGuard Taketh Away
Is SpamGuard like the Aparteid police? Are they arresting this man? Is he getting electricuted? Were they wrestling the photographer to the ground so he could only get this half-picture?
(3) Actual Caption: InstaList Brings the Bowling Team Together
Mine: Watch 50 Foot Woman Devour Lil' Prankster Only On Yahoo
(4) Actual Caption: One Folder Just For Intergalactic Email?
Mine: Cartel Heads Meet Seaside To Discuss Plans For Newly Formed Death Squad
(5) Actual Caption: Photomail. Share to your heart's content.
Mine: Chinatown's Solution: When A Paperbag Just Won't Do For the Otherwise Doable.
(6) Actual Caption: Terrible With Names? Use Address Book.
Mine: Screaming Bronx Man Caught Stealing Cadavers From Red Cross Vehicle
(7) Actual Caption: Find an old fling's email.
Mine: Exiled Revolutionary Disgusted With New Office
(8) Actual Caption: You deserve the best. Yahoo! Mail delivers.
Mine: It Is Too Late By The Time These Vacationing Lesbians Notice Tsunami
(9) Actual Caption: InstaList Brings the Bowling Team Together
Mine: Hippie Maid Just Loves Doing Laundry; Prefers 'Colors' To 'Whites'
(10) Actual Caption: Hit the road. Your mail will follow.
Mine: "Todd-rific": What Army Recruiters Are Now Forced To Accept
(11) Actual Caption: Hit the road. Your mail will follow.
Mine: Little J. Chang Is Excited To See His Father Taken To Get His "Surprise" After Innocently Inviting the State Police To the Family's "Film Night" (Resistance Meeting)
(12) Actual Caption: Photomail. Share to your heart's content.
Mine: Women's Auxillary of NAMBLA Meeting Tonight at 7:00 p.m.
(13) Actual Caption: Quick! Find email for an old flame.
Mine: Jobless, Alcoholic Mother Steeps to New Low to Fund Her Habit; Daughter in for a Really Tough Life Lesson
(14) Actual Caption: Terrible with names? Use Address Book.
Mine: Florida Conservative Convinced Jesus Earrings Will Protect Her From Poison Flower
(15) Actual Caption: Add friends as fast as you make them.
Mine: Interacial Marriage Not an Issue For Red-Haired Black Woman and Headless White Husband
None of the actual captions were taken out of context or made up. You can see for yourself here. There's so many more, and everyday I just go "Huh?" because they seem to be getting stranger and stranger.
...but again, this may be why I can't interview members of Phish.
Sag Harbor, New York resident and Boston radio hate monger Jay Severin has awarded himself a Pulitzer Prize. Now he's going national. Jay, how did you get such a job in such an incredibly difficult place that is the liberal media? Must have been that Pulitzer on your résumé.
My friend Sean sent this along and I think you should read it.
Some Commentary from Sean (who was not at the party in question):
ya know, I have seen the video a couple of times now and read many of the stories told by some of the kids on the site. It really is unreal, and very surreal. Like something out of a bad movie or video game. I mean ski masks and assault weapons pointed at the heads of ravers?? Dogs, and helicopters and soldiers in camo? They had a permit. And even if they didn't is this where we want to spend our money? This is fighting terrorism? Hell, it's not even a smart way to fight drugs, assuming that is what they are trying to do. Confiscate camera's, video cameras and camera phones? If they felt good about what they were doing and that is was for the safety of their community why would pictures be a problem? I don't know why this has got me so fired up but I guess it is because I have been to things like this and they are a great and harmless time. A culture that loves- among other things- war, violent music, video games, TV, Porn, etc... has a problem with a bunch of freaks dancing to dance music in the woods? They ought see what happens in those cheesy legit college night clubs in any big city. Or frat parties for that matter...
True dat, son.Even though our lazy media continued to call the GOP sham probe into Katrina a "bipartisan" effort, it was not, as pointed out by Senator Harry Reid's pitcher calling his own balls and strikes analogy below. Anyway, the Democrats have defeated the criminal intents of that GOP whitewash of their own foul ups, and this lil' freedom spreader thinks that is just great.
Ed Markey was my Representative when I lived in Medford, MA. He was great then and he continues to impress me today. Our lazy media has officially returned to sleep walking and not practicing actual journalism, so I am sure this type of thing will not get noticed by anyone in the media elite. (BTW, see the post below.)
Actual Headline from Media Matters:
Just how would your Coffee Coolatta taste if Saddam was still in power? Hmmmm....
This is just awful. (from NBC's Brian Williams, via Kos)
... and you have the speech from last night. Or at least major points from it. No wonder his numbers are in the tank, all he does is repeat himself and people are sick of it.
Bush said: “The government of this nation will do its part as well. Our cities must have clear and up-to-date plans for responding to natural disasters, disease outbreaks, or terrorist attack.”
FACT — BUSH SAID DHS WAS PREPARED TO MEET TERRORIST THREAT: Bush, 3/2/04: “We’ll face the terrorist threat for years to come. Our government is prepared to meet that threat. One of the most important steps we’ve taken is creating the Department of Homeland Security, combining under one roof, with a clear chain of command, many agencies responsible for protecting our nation… You faced the challenges standing up this new Department and you get a — and a gold star for a job well done.” Bush, 7/22/04: “We will work tirelessly to disrupt and prevent terrorist attacks — and if an attack should come, America will be prepared.”
FACT — BUSH SAID COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN FIRST RESPONDERS HAD IMPROVED: Bush, 7/22/04: “We’ve committed unprecedented funding, training, equipment and support to first responders at the state and local levels. We’ve improved communication, coordination and cooperation between everyone involved in our nation’s preparedness and response.” Bush, 9/13/05: “Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government.”
Bush said: “I also want to know all the facts about the government response to Hurricane Katrina.”
FACT: BUSH DOESN’T SUPPORT INDEPENDENT PANEL: Seventy percent of Americans support forming an independent commission, but Senate conservatives are working to create a panel that will reflect “their dominance in Congress.” Bush plans to “lead his own investigation of what went wrong.” [Times-Picayune, 9/14/05; Orlando Sun-Sentinel, 9/15/05; The Guardian, ">9/7/05]
Bush said: “We will not just rebuild, we will build higher and better. To meet this goal, I will listen to good ideas from…state and local officials.”
FACT — WHITE HOUSE BLAMED STATE AND LOCAL OFFICIALS FOR FAILURES: Headline: “White House Shifts Blame to State and Local Officials” [Washington Post, 9/4/05]
Bush said: “And taxpayers expect this work to be done honestly and wisely – so we will have a team of inspector generals reviewing all expenditures.”
FACT — BUSH ADMINISTRATION DEMOTED CORRUPTION WHISTLEBLOWER: The New York Times on Bunnatine Greenhouse’s reassignment: “A top Army contracting official who criticized a large, noncompetitive contract with the Halliburton Company for work in Iraq was demoted Saturday…” [New York Times, 8/29/05]
Bush said: “As all of us saw on television, there is also some deep, persistent poverty in this region as well. And that poverty has roots in a history of racial discrimination, which cut off generations from the opportunity of America.”
1.1 million people fell out of the middle class and into poverty in 2004
1.4 million more children live in poverty since Bush took office
250,000 more African Americans fell into poverty over the last two years
500,000 more Hispanics fell into poverty over the last two years
And my vote for the sinkiest piece of poopy....
Bush said: “To every person who has served and sacrificed in this emergency, I offer the gratitude of our country.”
FACT — BUSH ORDER ALLOWS FEDERAL CONTRACTORS TO PAY LESS THAN PREVAILING WAGE: President Bush issued an order suspending application of the Bacon-Davis Act which “set a minimum pay scale for workers on federal contracts by requiring contractors to pay the prevailing or average pay in the region. Suspension of the act will allow contractors to pay lower wages.” [Washington Post, 9/9/05]
FACT — BUSH WORKING TO SUSPEND WAGE SUPPORTS FOR SERVICE WORKERS: The White House is working to “suspend wage supports for service workers in the hurricane zone as it did for construction workers on federal contracts.” [Washington Post, 9/14/05]
Ahhhh yes, suspending prevailing wage so Haliburton can have a slave workforce. MMMmmmm, that is some good Chicken Soup for the Conservative Soul.
Ohhhh, so that's why Kerry was ahead until midnight when all of the sudden he wasn't anymore. That's weird. Paul Hackett was also ahead all day when he was running in Ohio and then midnight rolled around and *poof* he "fell" behind as well.
Oh, good, this makes me feel better. Honestly, I would have preferred Scott Baio. At least that way it wouldn't be pure propaganda.
Well, it turns out that Bush will be calling his own balls and strikes. I am sure we will find out exactly what went wrong. Hooray for democracy!
Forget good government and an honest dialogue, just look at what these crazy liberal judicial extremists are doing to the children. Oh, the children!
This is just nuts.
All of these incredible photos are from Jeff Patterson at Aly and I, of course, forgot our camera.
Fantastic article in Newsweek that I am sure everyone has read, but I figure I would post a little in case you haven't. If not, go read the whole thing, it goes into a lot more than the bush in the plastic bubble. Here's a bit of the beginning:
... and apparantly that gave him the experience he needed in emergency management.
So, that's what he's doiong a "heckuva job" doing... starching his shirts. I get it now.
The question still remains, after seeing Brown's deer-in-headlights performance since Katrina hit, does the president still have faith in his FEMA pick?
That's, Scott McClellan, male prostitute.
I feared that the long missing spine that the collective media grew last week would be gone once the pressure from the White House started this week, and that they would be back to carrying water for the Rove spin machine.
The Globe says Boston is the most expensive city in the US this year. It may be true that housing prices are finally higher out there than they are in SF, but I can't help but feel that the cost of living is higher here. Gas, food, cable, public transportation, taxes are all waaaay higher here. Rent is on par give or take $100 - $200 and to buy a house is never-gonna-happen-expensive too, but seriously, it seems like every small thing is just a little bit more here than it was in Beantown. But, it is also absolutly breathtaking almsot everywhere, and I can see why prices are driven higher and higher every day by the surge of people that move here. On that note, I have met two people actually from here the whole time I have been in SF. So many people are from Boston, NY, Southern CA, and Hawaii. I don't really know what the point of this post is, but I thought the globe study was interesting.
Gathered from the NYTimes, AP
Thank God:
Bush Urges Victims To Gnaw On Bootstraps For Sustenance
Have you ever thought something was a good idea to say and then said it outloud and were repulsed by your own lack of sense? I hope the Presidents mother was after she said this...
I wish they spent as much effort and coordination on saving lives as they do lying to the press.
C&L has posted the video of This Week's George Stephanopoulis' helicopter tour with Senator Landrieu. They circle the staged photo op cite that Beazelbush set up to fake concern about his administration's pathetic failure. She cries, as we all should, when looking down on the ONE crane set up to fix the levees. The rest of the "actors," or photo op construction workers, are gone.
I dare you to defend him after reading this. It takes a special kind of evil to pull that off. An evil far worse than what any wacko "values voter" can try to hold on to in their attack on the Democrats. His staged photo op also meant that relief helicopters had to be grounded, halting food supplies.
Thank you Ted Koppel.
Can anyone honestly say that we have learned anything from 9/11? I can't believe the utter band of fuckups that is our federal government. This is just sickening, and now Bush is out there shifting blame for the response as "not acceptable." No shit, YOUR response was not acceptaple! But Rove sees that Bush owns this, and is probably already making the commercials putting Governor Blanco's face next to Osama Bin Laden's, anything to protect Dear Leader from what everyone can see is his total lack of leadership. I live in San Francisco and can't imagine if there was a major quake right now. Maybe we'd get water by Thanksgiving. Also, if these terrrrrists are as smart as these scaremongering liars paint them to be, what if they attack right now? We are clearly not prepared, and the whole world knows it. We can rebuild Iraq, but the people in the Superdome are dying of thirst? People in the south, do you really feel that gay marriage is more important than homeland security now? This man has failed us repeatedly and should be impeached. I don't care if aborted fetuses run under the Democratic ticket for Congress, we need to vote them in to get this maniac out of office.
I want the media to pay as much attention to these idiots running our country and less to the looting. If you agree, watch this clip of Anderson Cooper. He nearly cries he is so frustrated.
Just in case there is any feeling of putting aside the politics, please read James Wolcott's latest post.
Please watch this. I am so glad C&L finally posted it. It is CNN's Jack Cafferty just going off. I saw it live and almost choked at the refreshing, gutwrenching honesty. I have to say, as much as I have hated CNN for the past couple of years, they have at least two people on the air (Kyra Phiilups, Cafferty) screaming "What the hell is going on!!!" which is refreshing next to the shiny happy people brigade covering the White House over at Fox.
Rove, what class.
Here's a few...
Bush takes his traditional seven-minutes-in-crisis-pause while pondering the two days of vacation he gave up and just how many naps he could have squeezed in.
Is the oil ok Karl? No one's gonna suggest capping gas prices right Karl?
Hey, that looting looks like what we're doing in Iraq. Except, Iraq's a desert. That's what it is. It is a desert. Lot's of sand.
I like it when they tilt the wing. Heh, Heh.
This whole thing is just as embarassing to watch as it is awful. Where the hell is Congress? Someone threaten to pull out a feeding tube or burn a flag so they get back quickly. The lack of response is just unbelievable.